3 Affordable Ways to Increase Brand Reach

Struggling to find new employees, sales reps and customers for your company? You are not alone, as many companies are in the fight of their lives.

If you find your business in this situation, make a few changes and adapt your outreach before it’s too late…especially you small companies without millions to get the word out about who you are and what do for your customers.

Here are 3 Affordable Ways to Increase Your Brand Reach in 2022 for little or no money:

Podcasts: Dip your toe in podcasting by getting on 5 podcasts in the next two months. Why podcasts? Well as TV ratings continue to drop, podcast and streaming have increased 39% in only 9 months. That is a huge trend and one to watch. Pick a key element about your company story, a hero product, customer who was really helped by you and share it with podcasters. They need content and will have you on.

Move your FaceBook Ad Spend to Influencers: The internet has many stories of Facebook changing things and destroying people’s businesses that count on them. (Here is another horror story from last week.) Take your ad spend (or the allowance you were considering for ad spend) and spend it on building relationships with smaller influencers linked that can easily identify with your brand while enhancing theirs—yes expect them to be self-interested its something they do well and deserver to be acknowledged for it.

SideBar: Types of Influencers

The most useful ways to categorize Influencers includes:

  1. Size of Following (see image to the left)

  2. Niche (know any gamers, reviewers, travelers, fashionistas, sports figures?)

  3. Products (think clothing, skincare, etc.)

To build with influencers without killing in minuscule details make sure you have a planned approach for each type of influencer you want to reach, and don’t even try it if you cannot offer them spiffy offers for their followers and a path to monetize it for themselves.

Leverage LinkedIn as an outreach and relationship building tool. As the Wall Street Journal’s Joanna Stern recent makes clear in her article, Let's Face It, LinkedIn Might Be the Best Social Network Right Now, LinkedIn keeps developing to help businesses and people connect. LinkedIn’s focus on professionals, career development, and fostering mutually beneficial relationships is being underused by your company right now if you are not actively using it.

3 Quick LinkedIn Todo’s:

  1. Review Your personal and/or company Profiles on LinkedIn and update them.

  2. Socially sell to your business to potential employees. Let them know you found them on LinkedIn and why you reached out to them. Don’t just pitch, but share and build a relationship. You might have your next superstar sooner than you think.

  3. Build an approach and follow it to get clients on LinkedIn. Here's an approach that has worked great for Wes McDowell

If things aren’t going the way you want, mix them up a little.

Until next time. Keep up the good work.


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